16 Sep 2016 by Hakie Ertan


Press the “Add” button to enter your players one by one. You can upload player photos, enter in a bio, position, number and also link to player stats on a website.

A player sponsor option can be switched on to display a sponsor logo and can launch a website when pressed. This may create an additional revenue opportunity for your club.

Choose to list your players, alphabetically or by number. You can also choose to restrict visibility to your App members only. If you set the visibility to ‘Approved Members Only’, then only the members of locked access-groups can view the profiles.

Player profiles can also be ‘grouped’ so they display in your App by team. You must allocate a player to a team below or by editing their profile. Team names allocated to a player here are not linked to the ‘team selection’ button. This option is just for display purposes in your App only. Not having a player linked to a team will display them under the heading ‘other’ in your App.
Note: Public cannot create player profiles. Auto-Approval access groups are treated the same as ‘Public’.